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Good advice; but it's worse than you said, Chuck, because the mere 2% net growth rate you posit at your "Bitter Harvest" paragraph would require a full dozen years before the qualified entrant reached the market midpoint, at best! I've had a new article on that precise topic sitting in my que here for a while, so maybe it's time to run it.

You also hit another hot button in your observation about the dilatory stalling tactics of managers who refuse to immediately advance a known qualified internal talent to the same entry rate they would give to a complete stranger from outside. Burns me, big time.

Minimum wage is not a good thing really. It is not fair and usually is not relevent to the specific area and situation. Wages must be competitive. Your arguments are good but that assumes the minimum wage is really something good for the economy and fair which it is not.

Actually Paul, my article is not about either State or Federal minimum wages. It's about the negative ramifications of paying employees low in their salary ranges. Your assumption that I made an assumption is incorrect.

"What Is 'Fair Pay'?" was the title of the August 17, 2012, article here. That discussion covered the topics Bob seems to find more interesting than the "relatively minimum range position" or low compa-ratio topic you raised here, Chuck.

If wages were simply required to be competitive, minimum wages laws would not exist because the open market would demand a different rate of pay. That's a completely different subject; it was covered in some detail in the August 6 post.

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