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Meanwhile, we have a string raging in the WorldatWork Compensation Community where a disturbing number of our members (or anonymous visitors) don't believe performance can be measured or that incentives work.

As knowlege expands, so does ignorance. Maybe because there's so much to learn.

W. Edward Deming must be spinning. Shades of Santayana!

Ann...great minds, indeed! (But maybe Seth's is the greater.) Your points are right on (as usual) about hypermeasurement. I think this trend may be farther out in the future for most workplaces and employers in the future than Mr. Godin might think.

I guess it's not surprising that this popped up in the newspaper business earlier than other places. My impression is that they're looking for anything to grab onto as their collective ship goes down.


I bopped over and took a look. Egad. Don't even know where to start in terms of that conversation.


Seth's is indeed greater (speaking only for myself, of course)! I'm not sure the trend is that far away... I'm betting it will be upon us quicker than we think.

Interesting observation about the newspaper business. Bet you're right.

Thanks - both - for the comments here!

Great topic and post and I LOVE the comment from E James Brennan that as knowledge expands, so does ignorance. Great reminder of the dangers of relying solely on metrics.

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