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Indexing rewards also nicely handles the situation where Location A severely lags their local competitive market while Location B merely maintains a substantial local market lead. Relative figures have meaning only in terms of the base amounts.

I like the indexing approach, Laura. It's easier to explain pay increase differences to employees when the playing field is leveled. The employee file would say, for example 1.25% of target merit increase - focusing attention on performance vs. the vagaries of country-specific budget limitations.

To your knowledge are any global companies using such an index?

Jim - thank you for that additional example. In fact, you've reminded me of another use for indexed rewards: Managers may tend to skew rewards toward lower-paid employees in an attempt to be fair. The performance index helps keep everyone level and in line with suggested guidelines.

Chuck - Yes, it's useful for communication and helps keep focus on the performance rather than the cash. Nicely put. I've worked with several global companies that index rewards, although they have unique methods for calculating budgets and targets.

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