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Great idea and societal/business timing.
What an opportunity to tie business goals with those of the individual. Line of sight is always a difficulty, perhaps this practice could begin to get us closer to communicating and linking business performance with individual performance.
An HR Director that I know was recently hired into a new company. He asked his direct report employees that work for him, "what are your goals for the year; what have you been tasked with, and what are your challenges?" They answered that they were hiring/processing payroll/benefits - all the functional stuff - but no real tie to business goals. He later met with the CEO to relay his findings and confirm that there were no real business goals for his department during the remainder of the year. The CEO replied to the contrary, that there were a number of business goals that cascade to the HR department, and the CEO promptly shared them. Sometimes I think we get tied to our functional goals without consideration of the business goals or how they should link. So, this topic is right-on for today's challenges. And as you mentioned, a lack of communications is usually the culprit when it doesn't occur.

Vita, I love a compelling story! Thanks for sharing because the story illustrates how easy it is to get lost. Giving managers the ability to provide line of sight explanations as part of mid year reviews. Employees will get jazzed to see how they make a difference -- and managers and execs who have lost that strategic vision will benefit from the reboot.

Great post, Margaret. To me, mid-year reviews have even less of a value than annual ones, which I don't think much of at all.

I like very much indeed your approach of communication, information and alignment with business issues/strategies/status. How many times have we read that employees want meaning and purpose in their work. To many, meaning and purpose means giving them some context for their work/daily tasks within the big picture of what the company is trying to achieve.

That's why I advocate using strategic employee recognition as a tool of performance management -- reinforce what you want to see more of, but also very specifically (and frequently) tell people how and why those recognized efforts are important to the bigger picture. That brings the alignment you talk about.


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