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Well said! Keeping in mind that the first law of surveys is, "never ask a question whose answer you are unwilling to address," I suspect many survey respondents are simply nudging their employers for those exact tweaks you recommend, Dan. Their stimulus requires a response.

People always take "move-raises" and "foot-promotions" for reasons other than money, although "a better opportunity at higher pay" is the ubiquitous politically correct answer that will always be accepted with a smile and a positive reference. They don't start looking for that other better-paying job unless a number of the critical non-cash motivational factors fail to maintain their critical threshold levels. A thumb placed in the dike can frequently prevent the disaster. Preparation and prevention are quite inexpensive compared with the alterntives.

The best jobs I've had are the ones that allowed me to do what I am good at, and enjoy the tremendous success that follows, not to mention the hightened motivation and the feeling that I love my job! At the end of the day, I just want to do what I'm good at and be appreciated for it. Alas, when times are bad, I think folks forget to just say thank you and acknowledge a job well done! More of that would go a long way to keeping folks around!

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