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Well said, Ann. Wonderful reminder that compensation is communication! People may listen to what you say, but they only pay attention to what you do.

Exactly right, Jim!

Good post!

There is a native American saying...”the wolf you feed is the one that grows”.

Make sure the compensation program is tied to your overall vision, values and roadmap. A good book that discusses being intentional about your overall culture is Delivering Happiness as I discuss in my blog : http://nosmokeandmirrors.wordpress.com/2010/07/09/delivering-happiness-proof-%e2%80%a6the-%e2%80%9cgolden-rule%e2%80%9d-is-profitable/

They identified 10 key core values at Zappos and built them into every fiber of their organization. They feed those who follow their values.

Mark Allen Roberts

Very true - you have to walk the walk with comp philosophies and programs. AND - employees need to meet you halfway (at least!) - not just sitting with mouths open like baby birds in the nest. We encounter environments were entitlement is the prevalent "reward philosophy" with many of our clients so I feel strongly that both employers and employees need to live the rewards strategies. Pay for Performance. Not just pay, not just performance.

This is absolutely true. We are trying to work out how to pay on performance and also on innovation. The performance part is simpler for people who are permanently coded to clients. Engineers whose charge is to support the entire infrastructure may be harder to tie to performance, since as they say, "The only time you notice me is when something breaks." If an engineer is coded to a set of clients then that engineer must work with the consultant who signed the client in the first place. Now we have a minimum of 2 people working at the behest of and toward maximizing the return for a single client. We are also a 50% employee-owned company so all of the employees feel some ownership of the results.

This is a powerful and insightful post, Ann. My experience is that it's less the program design where things break down and more the implementation at the supervisory level.


A great quote, very on target here! Thanks for the link and the info on the book.


Good point and quite true - both sides have to walk the walk!


Sounds like you have some interesting initiatives underway!


Wow - thanks! I agree that much of the breakdown is outside plan design ... it's at the supervisory/implementation level AND at the leadership/conceptual level (where people may be tempted to use the pretty words that they're not really willing to live up to).

Appreciate the thoughts and comments everyone!

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