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Dan, what a superb lesson. Great writing, great advice. "Offer them the world first and money second"... needs to be framed and posted.

I'm with you. It's exhilerating to wear lots of different hats but for some reason growth always seems to come with increasing specialization. By the time you've hired a 'Director of Green Ink' and a 'Director of Red Ink' it's difficult to offer people new challenges because everything has an owner - probably a well-paid one.

Your post seems to be following a theme of the things I've read today ... unintentionally. The pursuit of proper compensation in hopes of optimal motivation is and always will be a moving target. I agree with the premise of your post: There is more to life than money. Or in your words - there's "the world."

If I may add a point. Compensation managers and corporate executives need to take into account one often overlooked factor ... generation. I'm not talking about age, I'm referring to generational archetype. A twenty-five year old today looks at the world differently and is affected by a whole different set motivators than a twenty-five year from - say twenty years ago. Generation Y is not Generation X and it sure isn't their parents generation, the Boomers.

Today, the front line work force, the Gen Yers, care about more than money. In fact recent study determined new cell phone technologies were more important to them than new car releases. In addition to technology, they care about the environment, social issues, equality (fro everyone) and most of all teamwork. Gen Y, the Millenials, are of the same generational archetype as the heroes of WW2. This archetype's primary characteristic is its affinity for teamwork and collaboration, much like their predecessors in the '40s. Look at the music industry these days. Everybody is collaborating with everyone else - regardless of the music genre.

In twenty years, the situation will be different. A twenty-five year old will be more like one from 1960. And with that a different set of motivators will be needed.

But isn't that what make the compensation industry continually relevant?


Clay Forsberg


[email protected]

Set your own life more simple take the loan and everything you want.

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