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A rousing commentary on training v. experience! Talking turkey indeed.

'Tis the very season for turkeys to gobble-gobble.

Thanks for the list of compensation resources, Jim.

A couple of great college compensation textbooks can be bought for a song on Amazon.com: "Compensation" by Milkovich, Newman, Gerhart; and "Compensation Management in a Knowledge-Based World" by Henderson.

Edward Lawler has some great books: "Strategic Pay" and "Rewarding Excellence".

Jay Schuster and Pat Zingheim have some classic books: "Pay People Right" and "The New Pay".

The "How To" series of WorldatWork publications are written in easily digestible chunks and are inexpensive: http://www.worldatwork.org/waw/bookstore/html/bookstore-howto.jsp.

To identify those practioners who take the compensation tradecraft seriously, a nice set of initials such as CCP, CBP, GRP, CSCP, and CECP can be obtained through WorldatWork's certification program: http://www.worldatwork.org/waw/home/html/society_home.html

Thanks, Paul. Those are all excellent additions.

This was an excellent post; I really enjoyed it. :+)

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