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This was very interesting to read, thank you!

If you'd like to take another stroll down memory lane I highly recommend reading about the experiences of the Lowell mill girls in the early to mid-1800's. –This period of history is tied to the textile factories of Lowell, Massachusetts and the rather unique industrial revolution that took place there. This link will give you a start: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lowell_Mill_Girls as well as http://www.nps.gov/lowe/index.htm

So in a high level summary, the idea was to create an innovative work experience in order to convince young women to come from the family farms of New Hampshire, to Lowell, to work in the textile factories. Due to the deplorable situations in England, factory work at that time was considered pretty much the lowest form of work to send one's daughter into, and thus the factories had to develop a compelling reason (sort of through human resources) to staff the place. I’m slightly biased by being a Lowell native, but I do think it's really a fascinating story with a huge link to human resources and work-life balance (though WLB was defined quite differently at the time!!!).

Hi Windsor. I have spent a good amount of time in Lowell, Massand environs (I am a real geek about the Concord community and its writers)but didn't know the story of the mills. Thanks so much for bringing it to our attention -- Lowell is a really interesting part of our history along with all of the other neighborhoods in your community.

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