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How does one "embrace the sea change"?

Treating contingent workers as regular employees carries heavy penalties in many places. Keeping them at arms' length minimizes the management burden, but creates other issues. Converting contractors to employees undercuts the whole purpose of outsourcing. Every option has pros and cons.

What are you recommending?

Too right, Jim - contingent workers are not employees and should not be treated as such. Nonetheless, I am recommending improved oversight and control. It is both possible and advisable to track what types of contingent workers are working in the organization (contractor, consultant, temp, etc.), what they are working on and what it costs, as well as hold them accountable to clearly defined performance measures.

I had got a desire to begin my own firm, but I did not earn enough of cash to do it. Thank goodness my mate told to take the loans. Thence I received the consolidation loans and realized my dream.

Helena - slightly off-topic but thank you for commenting.

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