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Great post Laura. My guess is that the secret that is stopping most people is the fact that they too are being managed to the same type of 3% increase. Their bosses go through the same process and provide the same lack of direction. And it goes up the hill. At the very top the people are likely to be more interested in the business results than the people who drive them. This is often why we find ourselves in the dilemma in the first place.

3% is unlikely to motivate all but the most excitable employees. I wonder if some companies would be better putting the 3% from the entire company into a pool and letting 3% of the top 20% of employees enter a lottery to each win an equal share. Of course, I am joking, but at least the game show aspect would add some interest into the process.

Or we can actually fix the cause.

Compensation is more than simply stuff that jingles. Total Rewards encompass a lot, but (as the song goes) "you gotta know the territory." The best way to encourage your boss to expand their definitions of remuneration and reinforcement is to supply a good example by doing it creatively for your own direct reports.

Dan - I think '3% is unlikely to motivate all but the most excitable employees' is going to be my new motto from now on. And great point about the uphill effect.

Jim - Definitely agree about total rewards and not passively waiting for the problem to be solved at the top.

What's stopping us?

Best guess ... there are plenty of tools that help with the process and provide the tools to get managers unstuck. But very few tools exist that truly educate, guide and help change culture and practices. I haven't seen yet - maybe I've been living under a rock too long - that would. for example, guide managers through the full tool kit of total reward solutions available to them.

Thanks for your updates .I really appreciate your work to this site.I hope you can continue this kind of good work in future also..

Ian - Thank you for your insightful comment. I was a systems consultant for years I tend to take the view that you can get a system to do just about anything (of course, some systems make this easier than others).

But independent of the tool or technology: Is that really what's missing or is it the willingness to redefine the manager role and put employees in the driver's seat?

My take is that we're getting there but not there yet. I think you brought up a great point about education and guidance - the user experience is definitely key, at least as important as the system capabilities.

Ah, the new mindset. And therein lies the rub.

I appreciate what you've envisioned here, Laura, and can see numerous benefits. The manager you describe is truly a good one trying to do what is best in a system that simply won't let him -- and in a structure of 3% increases (merely COLA).

Of course, you know what I would answer to your question "What else can he do to motivate his team?"

Frequent, timely, specific and memorable recognition and rewards!

Just feeding you a straight line, Derek ;-) Absolutely recognition is a great way to go. I can see great system applications for recognition as well.

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