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I love this topic! At the doorstep of 40 and pregnant with my second son, I decided to try something entirely new...1) stay at home MOMMY & 2) some work, but on my terms.

I left my 10 year stint @ a well known interactive agency to stay home with my kids and work part time (@ home). I knew worst case, my work reputation would carry me into another full time job should I decide the stay at home thing wasn't for me.

Almost a year later, my from home/remote marketing position for www.GiftCardPartners.com (a b2b gift card outsourced management solution) keeps the family financial contribution bank-bound, while giving me the family and schedule balance I need. I feel brave for having done this, like your German friend who dares to work with spit-up & poo...but the return is a piece of motherhood that moms miss deep down inside.

Take control and find the company who is flexible, let you be MOM first and foremost, and your talents will shine like never before. You may even have more job offers than ever before (strange thing that has happened to me, but not willing to lose the momminess I have gained). Companies that embrace this practice will shine and gain reputations for being forward thinking & thoughtful. Good things come from this... for all parties!

Thank you Stacey for your sharing and insightful contribution to this topic. Good for you for finding the right company that lets you have it all!

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