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Too many already follow the Mushroom school of management: keep people in the dark, pile manure on them, and expect them to grow. Doesn't work well with humans. Once they learn enough to find a job where the employer will explain WHY they are paid what they are paid, they will be gone.

Most people would rather earn a bit less while understanding their salary status and knowing what their pay progression prospects are, than earn a tad more but be treated like a fungus.

Such employers do serve a useful purpose, however... they offer basic training for your future talent at no cost to you. They are also the negative example that makes you look so much better.

This is an excellent article. I do feel that the best ingredient to a good compensation structure is transparency. It is hard to change culture however if you are in a company where this "just isn't done." And sometimes a comp structure is too complicated and difficult to be fully transparent, which could be an argument for simplifying.

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