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Thanks Stephanie!

An excellent distinction. It is "unfair" that the word discrimination has taken on such a negative connotation. After all we all like to be known for our discriminating tastes in food, wine, friends, etc. However, we don't want to be accused of being discriminating. Consistency, within a framework of legality, solves many problems and provides many defenses to someone elses perceptions of "discrimination."

Certainly totally agree that it's not fair to be inconsistent. Consistency in doing what is right in every situation may not meet some observer's subjective opinion of "fair," but that's just tough. Management has both the authority and the responsibility to be consistent in applying its policies.

Let me also add, things do not have to be "numbers" to be measurable. Anything observable can be judged. Everyone knows the difference between a "good" day and a "bad" day, for exmple, even if it all depends on their point of view.

Thanks for reminding us that anything observable can be judged. It's such an important point. It's easier to recognize what we're doing when we "evaluate" (read:judge) easily quantifiable things. With observables, there's a tendency to fail to realize that we're judging and bringing in our own perspectives.

I would argue that consistency outside of the framework of legality solves many problems too. Even something as simple as being consistent in saying "good morning" - saying it every day, greeting everyone and not just some, etc. - can have a positive effect. Being consistent reduces the amount of uncertainty. With everything that we all have to manage in our day (family commitments, civic responsibilities, work demands) a little less uncertainty is certainly a good thing!

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