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As Sales people will tell you (about their customers and themselves)...

WIIFM - What's In It For Me

Agree completely.




Not surprised to hear that!

Excellent post. I have believed motivation is intrinsic, yet great to see evidence to back it up (I'm interested to read more). It is fantastic to see this type of conversation relative to compensation. Thank you!


Thanks much for your note. I appreciated the chance to become acquainted with Dr. Reiss' work, conclusions and point of view - and then to share them with readers for reflection and comment. Glad to hear that you have found it interesting as well!

analysis and evidence, validated and reliable -- applied psychology -- I love it!

Agreed. Those who imply "support for freedom except when people choose materialism, capitalism, or values different from those of undermining theorists" are serving their own intrinsic motivation, superiority :-)

Thanks, Margaret and Deb!

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