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WOW. I expected a disconnect, but not a complete break. This seemingly explain a lot about why compensation programs may not work as well as they can. If the HR people aren't engaged in these programs, how can we expect them to be designed and communicated well?

Thanks for the mention Ann. I'm glad to see the survey is creating some conversation.

This is the same glazed over look when you talk to HR people about metrics, analytics or anything to do with something that smacks of "math." "Can I use a calculator?" It is the same reason reason we don't understand an income statement or balance sheet and it is a BIG problem we need to get over.

This is a sobering but "telling" post. I would love to offer an article responding to this. I can't say this enough ---- this a very apt description of what is wrong with HR today.

Top Managment controls the HR priorities. Otherwise, it obviously would be quite different. With more support (money and attention) to T&D, ER would be more effective and less time/attention would required to "compensate" people for those lacks. The status quo reflects a C-suite agenda of cutting costs and buying time in reactive short-term measures versus the more sensible long-term strategy of planning for a better future. They mistake the comparative costs, thinking the wrong one will be less expensive. IMHO, of course.

I see my original set of replies got eaten by Typepad (thank you very much TP)...

Agree that there is a lesson here that suggests our need to better engage our HR colleagues in understanding and, in turn, communicating about compensation.

Thanks for prompting such a great discussion with your survey!

A very solid point, perhaps I've let us off too easy here. It is, in all likelihood, very symptomatic of a big problem in/with HR.

Agreed - and looking forward to YOUR post on the survey findings!

I don't disagree on the leadership misprioritizing; but you're saying that HR wants to do less C&B because they recognize that many of these programs represent short-term fixes, not because they don't enjoy the math/analytical stuff that accompanies those disciplines? Hmmm. Not sure I agree, but it is an interesting alternative interpretation. Others?

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