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Great article!

Thanks Windsor!

I find that using the concept of a rain check works pretty well....

Hi Rodney,

The rain check concept is interesting, but risky in a volatile market. Most people understand that a rain check entitles them to something in the future. Stock Options often result in no value to the individual.

Another simple explanation for people unfamiliar with various comp components. NOW, when are you going to write one specifically on CEO comp??? :-)

Thanks Jacque!

I hope to provide a similar type of post in December, covering Executive Compensation / Say on Pay.

Clever article! It makes the point that employee stock options can't really be "dumbed-down" so companies need to provide ongoing education and assistance to help employees make timely and profitable decisions. Visit http://blog.stockopter.com for a variety of resources on this topic.

Hi Bill,

I agree that education cannot stop at an explanation. Research shows that participants must receive continuing education both in how the plan rules and processes work and in how to achieve value from their equity compensation.

Like most things in life, the learning must be ongoing, consistent, broad and deep.

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