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This is an important wake-up call for our profession. I'll say a lot more on this topic later, but first everyone should read the detailed results of the original research done by these distingished PhDs. The link does not seem to require membership to access the published research article.

Their findings may not be popular, but facts will always trump wishes, particularly in our trade. We are very fortunate that two renowned experts have stepped up to address this potentially contentious issue.

I agree with Ann on this one. Every HR, Compensation, Rewards, Benefits professional and most CFOs and CEOs should take the time to download the 17 page detail document (above titled “Compensation and Human Resource Practices During Crisis: Which Solutions Add Value?”, WorldatWork Journal, Q1 2012) and read it this weekend.

The evidence is clear. I will also be writing more in a related article soon.

It is amazing to me that we continue to clamor for a seat at the table. In actuality, I believe we're being invited to the table regularly and, as a profession, we need to learn to listen more closely and learn the language being spoken 'at the table' so we can eventually (and more timely) heed the call. I look forward to reading the study. Thank you as always, Ann.

There are many bottom line benefits to work-life programs -- and they have been used to bolster failing companies by, for example, allowing employees to flex their hours and take unpaid time in lieu of layoffs. Spend some time with work-life professionals at World at Work.

As a 20-year industry analyst focusing on human capital in the IT-infused portion of the national workforce (about 25 million), I'll tell you just how far the total rewards profession has wandered: many of the very best examples of effective total rewards practices I see were developed independently by non-HR folks---and then they have to teach their TR/compensation folks how to do it(!) so hopefully they can take it off their hands. How did things get this far out of whack?

I believe one of the many problems reported with Total Rewards at the TARP firms was that the very people most needed for damage prevention and repair had been granted sabbaticals by HR that made them unavailable. Bad enough, if HR can't identify the people with the vital competencies needed for recovery, but even worse if HR has sent them away "as a reward" so their skills are absent when most needed. Who are we serving then?

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