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Well said, Ann. "For every door that opens, ..." etc. People tend to forget how helpful turnover can be when that troublesome annoying person quits to terrorize some other unsuspecting enterprise and you quickly call a meeting to whip up some innocuous letter of reference that avoid rebounds without actually lying. No, managers only remember the great one "who got away," as though people were fish to be landed, filleted and either consumed or mounted on your wall. Hard to face that unfortunate truth that people have their own hopes and dreams which don't always fit your situation.

We do occasionally discuss this here http://www.compensationcafe.com/2011/05/let-your-people-go-gracefully.html but it is a truth that warrants regular revisiting.

LOL --- unfortunately it is the sometimes the "holy terror" that stays and the ones that have been terrorized leave.

But I agree. A certain amount of turnover is healthy.

Whoops... my hyperlink (inserted above) seems to be broken due to the accidental addition of a space or something, so I'm re-posting it: http://www.compensationcafe.com/2011/05/let-your-people-go-gracefully.html should work.

I remember preparing turnover reports and explaining positive attrition (ppl we would like them to move on to greener pastures) and negative attrition (top talents and people who goes above and beyond) for a presentation. When the positive attrition were high, we think that we are on track. But if the negative attrition starts climbing, we start looking around at what we are missing.

With everything else, statistics can be used as an indicator but not a rule set in stone. An attrition below a certain percentage would be nice but to keep things into perspective, how many percent of those are positive attrition?

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