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Love it Howard. I too have a raised eyebrow when I hear/read some of his "right brain" comments.

Great Article Howard.

It lays out some of the pertinent realities that must fit within a speech writers view of our profession.

As for some details...

"Plus I am not at all certain that employees are going to believe their pay is above average."

As I mentioned in a Compensation Cafe posting earlier this week, it is mathematical impossible for everyone to be "above average." As a country we are generally above average when compared to the world. Maybe that;s what Mr Pink meant (but I doubt it).

Huzzah! You know where I stand on this Ann - and I'm 1000% (doing similar math as the Lake Wobegone folks) behind this thinking.

Too much academic - not enough application.

Let's see this in action before we declare it gospel. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'd be happy to compete against a company that followed all of Pink's advice - let me run a few incentives now and then whilst they worry about autonomy, mastery and purpose.

Those are important - but the are not the sum total of levers we need to employ to be competitive and succeed.

And I'll add my normal caveat - "when done correctly."


Well said, Howard.

It's a lot easier to speak persuasively, making obvious and deceptively simplistic generalizations about work, when you've never held a real job where output results were substantial and not simply image. You too can invent the internet. There's never a shortage of snake oil.

Your article looks great!Thanks for you sharing. I love it.

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