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Jim you picked a "provocative" subject. And as much as I am straining at the bit to jump right in with my humble opinion --- I think I will pay heed to that tiny little voice deep down inside that I can barely hear telling me to STIFLE.

Why stifle an opinion? There is a school of thought (enshrined in the most fundamental principles of our society) that all progress proceeds out of conflict, contrast and compromise. Law, particle physics, philosophy... the list of elements that depend on exchanges that involve opposing forces is endless. The adversarial tradition is basic to us and some would argue that it is essential to humanity.

At the very least, please suggest what PROS or CONS I may have overlooked; or point out which ones some people may feel to be far more vital than others in the scale of priority. Remember, this the ideal place for "caffeinated discussion" where adults of good will can participate in free and open debate. Nothing offensive will be permitted, of course; but sincere ideas and serious thoughts should never fall into that category.

It is most meet and fitting that we have this conversation on a day set aside for elections in much of America. What better example could we have? That alone should challenge us to offer contesting concepts in better ways than our politicians do!

"There will likely be disparate pain and confusion at the majority of American firms, if these changes go through."

Of your "cons", I found the above statement to fall quite flat. I felt like saying, "Aww, poor guys....they're going to be confused...."

Companies have been through minimum wage increases before, they know what to do. I appreciate your pros/cons. There's plenty more that could be added to the list I'm sure.

I agree that small changes to the minimum wage will not do much, if anything at all, to un-stick us from this recession. It could, however, in combination with many other areas of fiscal policy changes, begin to improve some peoples' day-today financial conditions.

More debate will likely follow....for better or worse.

Some small companies have never had to react to a minimum wage increase. If it is a new firm or one whose entry rate has historically exceeded the required rates, they may make avoidable blunders that can cost far more than the price of the additional cents per hour at the lowest level.

While those negative consequences may seem relatively small, they can be big to the victims. Maybe it's a parallel situation to how a few cents an hour can mean a lot to some people. It all depends.

Feel free to suggest more pluses and minuses, because the article space did not permit all I could imagine.

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