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The impact on compensation regulation will be interesting. The real question is why did anyone feel this regulation was needed?

Any new regulation is bound to be flawed, sometime s critically so. Unfortunately, simply rolling back and cancelling regulations does not address the core problem that brought the regulation to the forefront.

A second Obama term would also likely bring higher taxes for many long-term or stock-based forms of compensation. Many of those taxes would put us back at the rates that existed during the boom of the mid and late-1990's.

I will not predict if the new taxes will move us toward our not so distant glory years. I will also not make any predictions on whether the new regulations will fix the underlying problems.

I will state this. I will not be voting with my "compensation" hat on. Instead I will vote with my "American" hat on. Compensation professional will find a way t work around any new rules (we always do) Companies will continue finding the money to pay employees (they have to).

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