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One of the key phenomena driving the entitlement mentality begins when the executive is hired: bonus percentages are used to lure candidates and deflect potential compensation issues, and included in the total cash compensation for the position. Thus, the expectation is baked into the recruitment process, so when bonus time rolls around its little wonder that the 'show me the money' attitude prevails.

Outdated mechanics only contribute to the problem. Bureaucratic and form driven process only make the system more broken.

As I've advocated before on this blog, the entire compensation philosophy surrounding rewards and recognition needs some serious re-thinking. You can move the chairs around on the deck, but it won't keep the boat from hitting the iceberg.

Yer right, John, but I wuz just thinking this morning that one shortage we always have in HR is diagnosticians. It's a lot easier to follow surveys, play lemming and take the same pills found in your neighbor's cabinet than to get a professional diagnosis and a personalized perscription. My mantra for many years has been "thou shalt not prescribe without first doing a diagnosis."

Reward systems rarely have a sunset clause. Any valued feature, once received, becomes an automatic infinite entitlement. So most programs are accumulated patchworks of outdated goodies.

Is this article about executive compensation, annual rewards, or how HR is bitter? Seems like a lot of complaining from people who have never been on the receiving end of an annual bonus. Gift cards don’t count.

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