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So true Dan --- all of it. I'm keeping this one for passing out.

Thanks Jacque. Glad you liked it. Keep an eye open for upcoming posts on what CFOs really want and another on what Compensation Pros wish Execs understood.

This is a great list to keep Dan! Thanks so much for posting!

Every body acknowledges that today's life is high priced, but different people need money for different things and not every one earns enough cash. Hence to receive fast business loans or just car loan will be good solution.

It took me so many years to learn these lessons. Hopefully some Comp professionals new in their career will read this and take it to heart.

Korin and Marianne,

Thanks so much for your kind comments. I am happy that I have hit a chord amongst HR and Comp people.

Dan - thanks for your straight forward, actionable summary. Beyond comp, this is an approach to be taken by the entire HR team!

Thanks for your comments Mariann. Much appreciated!

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