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Punishments get a bad rap. As noted, spreading shame can sometimes effectively extinguish negative behavoirs. But public social recognition is a touchy thing. Being the eldest of 5 kids, I have seen many cases where children misbehave precisely because it is the only way they know to get attention. That applies to adults, too. Certain people are famous only due to their misdeeds.

I've never seen any compelling research that establishes a meaningful relationship between social networking and positive work results. While 360-degree reviews might benefit from such techniques if applied in-house, what folks in India think about a bus driver in Chicago might not mean anything at all. Not sure how that relates to the merits of openly publishing a "naughty" list, either.

@Jim - Great parental insight! I also wouldn't recommend publishing misdeeds in the workplace - quite the opposite.

I read a funny article way back when that pointed out how popularity in high school - compared with 'social' popularity - is a poor indicator of success. We're still finding our way with social scoring but it's not the popularity that matters.... it's the the broad-based feedback.

Without that additional data point - and it's JUST a data point - career and leadership decisions may be based on consensus amongst very like-minded decision makers who are looking for more of the same. Whereas social mapping can show you fascinating things like information flow and who actually talks to whom.

Josh Letourneau wrote a great post about this you can find a link to here - it's interesting stuff: http://ls-workgirl.blogspot.de/2011/06/my-3-posts-letourneau-doody-and-big.html

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