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Derek - To reinforce your point, study after study show that virtual workers tend to be more productive than their office bound counterparts. Yet management at most organizations resist the concept. In the face of all the benefits associated with virtual employment; environmental, facility cost, increased employee satisfaction, company's appear reluctant to adopt the practice.

This head in the sand response is because most managers still consider work 'butt in seat time', which comes with the view that "I don't know you're working if I can't see you working". It's really a manifestation of managerial insecurity around performance assessment.

Similarly, many companies try and copy the practices of younger, hip organizations like Microsoft and Google, et. al., by adorning break areas with pool tables and Foosball stands. However, it ends up being window dressing and rarely frequented by employees for exactly the reason you stated: the 'slacker' disease.

It's all related to organizational resistance to change, and a failure to adapt their business practices to meet the needs of a younger workforce. In compensation-speak, that means that monetary rewards will recognize those who appear to be working instead of who really are.

John, Thank you, for such concise comments. You have hit the nail right on the head.

Agreed, Audrey. John has added significantly to the original post with his comments, and I appreciate it greatly. Since we can't meet around the coffee machine, this kind of "renewal break" is reinvigorating for me.

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