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The topic nearest and dearest to what I am doing now.

I think the problem with JD is that they are made to sound as generic as possible. Additionally, who does the JD document belong to? Some say, the manager, some say HR. And the JD is only dusted and updated for another recruitment or promotion every few years. Plus, it's better if the person updating/creating the JD to sit down with the recruting manager to hear what he envision for the position. More often then not, they just email the old JD, change a few words and it's good to go.

Plus, recruiters I worked with don't know what the position is suppose to be. When I am doing comp, I would like to have the JD, org chart with and indication of where the position would be at, reporting to whom, what is the the summary work plan of the incumbent. A business partner should know. But more often then not recruiter has no idea. They are supporting a wider group of people. A business parter supports the business role of the department he supports. He is the right hand man for the department manager when it comes to that department. How to structure the department for optimal performance, who is lagging in the team, coach managers on communicating pay and performance.

I like the idea of PP. But in order to make it successful, the necessary competencies need to be in place.

End Monday morning rant.

Thanks for your comments Jules I really appreciate them. I understand all the problems about ownership, large organizations where comp or recruiting really don't know the jobs,et. I've been on both ends.

I would say currently Comp owns them as they seem to be the only ones using JDs.

Unfortunately recruiters today now just program in the "buzzwords" from the requisition description to their ATS and let the ATS spit out candidates.

In the future either HR Biz Partners need to be given a swift kick or Comp and Recruiting need to work together with the manager as openings arise. Really good recruiters want to understand what's needed in order to talk to candidates intelligently. They at least need to know the real "buzzwords" to program into the ATS.

I know what you mean about needing to have an org chart to do Comp. I tell people that I cannot "do" Comp unless I have up-to-date org charts. I have to see the big picture. Fortunately those can be had easily by just asking the admin for the group. At least she cooperates! :-)

Maybe the term "job description" is so emotionally charged it needs to have a new name, be a new concept to get attention.
You know --- old wine in new bottles?
Remember when "employee engagement" used to be "employee satisfaction"? Same thing.

Ah Jules --- competencies. Another subject entirely.

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