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Jacque - I like head-wacking, probably because I need it on a regular basis!

The subject you've touched upon couldn't be more relevant to the HR function today. Proper risk orientation is a fundamental requirement for successful HR practitioners. Unfortunately, risk aversion is much more prevalent, due to fear of legal action, and also because it's easier, and safer, to rely on the 'equal treatment' fallacy rather than actually evaluate the issue in the context of the business.

Of course, taken to the extreme, risk tolerance can become dangerous, and that line can move depending upon the situation. The safe way is not always the best way.

Thanks for the comment John. HR is not the only function that is risk averse. CEOs suffer from the same syndrome --- especially when the "we've always done it this way" approach has served them well in the past. Being willing to take risks is scary.

BTW --- head whacking is the only way I learn sometimes!

Very right. Thanks.
But help me, how do I get of the image that's now stuck in my head of eagles eating peanut butter?


Really liked this article, thought & emotion provoking. Liked it enough to share on the SAHRA (Sacramento Area HR)group last week. Not a single like or comment. Posted to another Sacramento group I'm a member of today...hoping that someone would be interested. I'm not a super frequent poster/liker/commenter to groups, but really on LinkedIn to share, encourage and advise. I'm dismayed that no HR folks displayed just a bit of interest in this concept. Maybe it further solidifies my feeling of isolation in this area in the HR profession - lots of compliance, government workers, labor unions and mostly boring companies. I miss Silicon Valley!

Hi Jana ---- Many of the HR articles today have to do with making sure a candidate "fits" with the company culture. Cultural "fits" don't cause trouble, are low maintenance, go-along-to-get-along ---- and often don't offer many ideas, etc. to move the company forward.

BTW I miss Silicon Valley too!

Jana --- if it's any consolation --- the Dallas SHRM chapter wouldn't understand this either.

Not only that but when they hear "global" all they think about "expatriates". :-(

I've argued for identifying the stars and turkeys in a number of forums. And I have not had peanut butter for years.

But Jacque's argument ignores an important and largely ignored issue. Salary management is a zero sum problem. There are roughly 70% of the workers who are perfoming at a solidly acceptable level. The more we grant to the A players, the less that's available for the B players. I want them to feel they have been fairly treated and continue to get the job done.

There is also the emerging importance of collaboration that's undermined by an aggressive pay for performance policy.

I wish I knew the answers.

Howard --- thank you for comment. I strongly agree with you that all company employees who perform solidly should be rewarded. But "eagles" can be rewarded in different ways than the solid performers. And it doesn't have to be money.

There are situations that we have today where organizations make differentiations. In pro football, all players acknowledge that the quarterback is usually worth more to the club than other players. And as such they tend to be rewarded at a much higher level. Everyone accepts that.

It is no less different in private industry.

This is where the balance in risk is important. With budgets continuing to be tight (in spite of all the profits companies are sitting on CFOs are keeping tight hold of the purse strings) companies cannot afford NOT to differentiate.

HR needs to understand risk and strive for balance. The C-suite has to balance risk and HR needs to as well. Let's face it, in today's enormously competitive market, we should know that while all employees are important -- there are those that provide a better rate of return than others.

I think you have fallen into a trap that too many people make: Failing to distinguish between equality and equitability. Nobody in their right mind expects to be treated equally. They do, however, expect to be treated equitably. Thus good performance and bad, both need to be addressed, but in the same manner. It is not a case of special rewards for some and not others; it is a case of proportionality. Why should executives get a 50% bonus (often when they fail to meet all their targets) while the lower echelons get 5%? And why should employees be held accountable when it seems executives seldom, if ever, are? Or if they are, are allowed to move on as though they had done a great job and will be missed?

Its all very well to blame lawyers, etc, but HR has allowed this to happen, and have failed to take steps to ensure there is a balance. The problem is not trying to make all people equal, but a failure to balance rights and obligations at all levels - organisationally and in society at large.

Thank you for your comment Bay.

You talk about the difference between equality and equity. I did as well.
I think there are many in HR that do not understand the difference -- and frankly I have not heard anyone in HR use the word "equity" except in talking about stock.

The point that I have tried to make is that HR is risk averse --- and I do think that a lot of it comes from lawyers coaching them so much on the liability of mishandling terminations, etc. And as a result of this risk aversion there is a practice of offering the same programs to all employees.

I am not talking about the difference in performance among individual employees. I am talking about jobs with many employees in the same job. I'm talking about a spectrum where support jobs/core jobs are at one end and critical/key jobs are at the other.

As HR becomes more attuned to business, they must learn that there are some jobs --- not employees --- that are more critical than others. And yes they will need to get more attention --- separate rewards, very well monitored career development, etc.

I am not saying that people in other jobs should be neglected. They should be rewarded. But those in critical jobs are special, they are critical to the company's success and they bring a higher return on the company's investment.

I hope I have addressed your concerns. If not please feel free to contact me personally at: [email protected]

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