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Anne, you are spot on for the world most of us live in, especially when it comes to differentiating for key talent. I would only add that in some parts of the world a 10% or so annual labor cost movement may still be prominent enough that deciding to be lead/lead for example may also still be worthwhile.

Ann, I cannot applaud this post enough. Thank you.


Excellent point - thanks for calling attention to it here. Obviously, the more significant the annual labor cost movement, the more consequential the question to lead, lead/lag or lag.


Thanks for your comment and for finding the post valuable. Much appreciated.


To clarify, I am not advocating that we discontinue the practice of framing our data aging and structure setting via the lead, lead/lag and/or lag paradigm. This is a necessary and important component of salary program design and management. My point is simply that we (especially those in the land of tiny salary budgets) spend too much time on this decision and not enough on the more strategic questions that should be guiding our base salary investments.

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