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Totally agree. A well stated cogent summary of reasons not to instinctively rush into followership. The leader is the one in front of the pack, not one of the mass in the middle or the trailer meekly lagging behind the rest.

Scary to be a leader, especially a CEO, when the current global business environment is so full of unpredictable pitfalls. So Compensation professionals should take heart. You rarely hear of Compensation people that "mess up" ---- but you always hear of CEO's "messing up"!

WOW!!! I agree with Jacque so I better check my shoelaces, huh? "Best Practice" was invented by consulting firms who want to sell 'stuff' to organizations and know the 'testimonial system' does that. It is universally prevailing practice and not 'best' unless you want to blindly copy what others do. So if 'best practice' is based on some study that suggests organizations should have everyone wear blue beanies to work I suppose somebody is standing there to sell the beanies.

CEOs are universally interested in doing things that add to better organizational performance mostly in financial terms. Our studies have shown that the whole 'mantra' of 'best practice' advocated by many in HR is causing CEOs to get advice on what to do to align the workforce with organizational performance other than from HR. And that is honestly tragic for our profession.

WorldatWork unfortunately has become a huge advocate of 'best practice' because it is easy to tell us to 'follow the latest leader' because it is the path of least resistance. I think professionals in our business are far better than that and should be talking to their own CEOs and other operational and financial leaders than worrying about copying the practices of other organizations.

I just got back from Antarctica. The penguins are great at doing what other penguins do. A whole bunch of them jumped off some floating ice in unison right into the jaws of a leopard seal who ate them one by one. Are we better than penguins or not?

Yes Jay it's mine. I don't know about shoelaces -- but you'd better check your tie to make sure it's not so tight it isn't cutting off oxygen to your brain ---- :-)

Yep --- and you need to watch who's doing the survey that results in "best practice". 99% of the time it's consultants and it makes up a large share of their business.

You must know a better class of CEO's than I do because I find that CEO's and CFO's view people as a "cost" --- not an asset that can add value to company performance.

Too bad about the penguins. I like to think that animals are smarter than people --- but then there is the story about the lemmings . . . .

Maybe an 'opportunity cost' is the best way to look at it?? The way many reward programs are designed CEOs have the right to view them as a 'cost' because they don't see the value in them in terms of aligning folks with what the business must achieve.

If all the CEO gets is a 'copy' of what everyone else does and no help from rewards to make the organization do better then they probably should squeeze the nickel until the Indian rides the buffalo.

The easiest thing to do is follow someone's survey results and park your brain at the door. I just think we are better than that.

Agree Jay. Ahh.. . . . fodder for another post!

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