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Permit me to suggest that job fit is in itself a powerful reward. I can't think of anything more motivating or engaging than being paid to do what (and only what) I would do for free if I weren't required to make a living.

Even when the performance review process is well founded, constant and continual, with perhaps one end-year overall summary appraisal being the mutually understood conclusion, that still might not constitute "recognition." The specific psychic reinforcement conferred by that special element of the total reward package called "recognition" is not a single score nor a periodic check, but it frequently has more value than either.

I'm reading this just after Jacque's interview with Rosemary from Adobe regarding the way that organization has done away with traditional performance reviews.

Pay is important - it allows us to meet the needs at the bottom of the 'needs' pyramid. But “I don’t need to recognize employees. That’s what I pay them for.” is so very short-sighted.

We need to move up the hierarchy of needs: Ongoing feedback (and lack thereof) has been a recognized motivational tool -- both positive and negative. Acknowledging and discussing the current state -- either good or not-so-good -- helps us learn and where necessary, improve our actions/decision-making.

We all yearn for acknowledgement and to make a positive difference. We want to be part of a group, to achieve, to 'matter.'

Tony suggests that job fit can be a powerful reward in itself. So true! When individuals find the right place, doing their personal 'right thing' with the right people, it turns into magic.

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