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Hi Laura,
Interesting post. With the vast data that Workday has have they ever considered running their own analytics across organizations? I always hear what ADP has to say about job adds/losses in economic reports, why doesn't Workday get involved?

On this post topic does Workday have enough data to prove or disprove the pay gap for working moms? Talent analytics is a growing area of interest and this would seem like a great way to lead the discussion.

"Even as far back as 1981, The American Compensation Association (now WorldatWork) conducted a survey of member pay using a regressed questionnaire job evaluation approach proving that when the variables of age, experience, education, number of jobs, position level, organization type and company size were accounted for, women earned much less than their male peers. When I first read that study in 1981, seeing how pay increased for factor after factor, until the very end, I was stunned when I read the final instruction to subtract 14.3 percent from the predicted total compensation figure if you were female." (Workspan, http://www.worldatwork.org/waw/adimComment?id=38793, July, 2010)

That survey included a measure of actual time worked (to exclude "mommy track" time off), as I recall. And it was conducted by one of the distinguished occasional guest CompCafe contributors. The survey of member pay was never repeated.

If you're rewarding or evaluating people based on facetime, there's a problem.

With that said, I'm always skeptical about any research using education as a variable that does not distinguish between degrees in hard sciences versus liberal arts (or anything ending in "studies")

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