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Here's one perspective on why this happens.

Too often managers define their team as the people they manage. Therefore, being liked and accepted is critical to that social group. Everyone on a team wants to feel valuable and liked.

Unfortunately - the real team the manager is on is the team of other managers who are tasked with driving business results through a team of people they manage. That isn't "their" team - their team is their peers. That is really the team they should worry about being valuable to.

If managers redefined their team affiliation I think the pay issue fades. Now it is an issue of all the managers figuring out where to allocate the money.

They are on two teams. They are the leader of the team, comprised on their subordinates, and a member of the management team, comprised of their peers.

Excellent point, Paul. We have to look at the mindset of the manager to understand both the team identification problem and the potential pathway for correction. Well said.

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