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Management needs to agree on what kind of skills should be considered "outliers" --- people with those skills will be paid/treated very well compared to other employees. However, there will be a problem, for example, if Accountants and HR people are paid higher than SW Engineers in a high tech company ---- even if not intentional. Agree Jim --- a lot of clean-up is necessary before companies become fully transparent.

Yes, Jacque, STEM jobs or other "hot skill" positions can carry a premium without much controversy due to visible external market conditions, but disparate treatment to individuals holding the same titles can get nasty. One issue involves external comparisons while the other internal equity challenge is more problematic. Sometimes the trails cross, such as when a new person is hired at a much higher rate into a scarce-supply job with multiple peer incumbents who earn less despite apparently equal credentials and experience. If all the people in that same "hot skill" job are not "made whole," you will have trouble.

Agree, Jim.

Preach each Jim! Not to mention it is illegal to pay a woman less than a man doing the same job with similar skills and responsibilities, although many employers do try. AND, in Minnesota we just passed a law making it unlawful for employers to retaliate against an employee for sharing their personal wage information. The beat goes on. I bow to your greatness.

Oopsy.Typo! Preach IT Jim!

You are pretty much on target, Patty (except maybe re my greatness). Of course, it is only illegal in the U.S. to pay a woman less when she has the same job with EQUAL (rather than merely similar) skills and responsibilities. The Equal Pay Act is not the Comparable Pay Act, which has created many problems, in my experience. Tiny job distinctions have been used to justify disproportionately different pay through both internal equity and external competitiveness applications. On the other hand, I am well aware that MN has long led the way in both comparable pay and equal pay initiatives at the State level.

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