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Any idea what this means? "Applied psychology degree in business specialty"

I sure don't know, Ross. Do you get these on line? Lots of 'platitudes'. Seems to me folks in this role need a proven track record of translating human resource costs into measurable bottom-line results. But who knows.

You notice there is no requirement related to successfully managing the largest opportunity cost most organizations have--pay and benefits!!!

The "extra" premium useful "add-on" credential Ann suggested might be limited to the I/O Psych field. The only other possible Psych specialty disciplines with a general business application I can think of would be the Developmental, Behavioral/Cognitive and Personality Assessment subjects and maybe Social Psychology. But I'm not a Piled Higher and Deeper like some of my much more academically accomplished friends and am therefore obviously totally incapable of such advanced cogitation.

Errata: my bad. Ann posted this Classic article but it was originally written by Margaret O'Hanlon. While I teasing Jay, I did not intend to deny Margaret credit for this useful post.

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