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Thanks for this info and for your practical suggestions!

Spot on Chuck - the point is that the client does need some basis and of equal importance to understand the rationale and 'room for error' of that basis for the analysis and subsequent recommendations. Country reports from a provider typically cost £2.5k or more and the better ones do provide good information but rarely do they provide information your own research cannot find. For saving time (if money is not the concern) and giving a veneer of something other than your own work, they can be useful. The rule of thumb around ageing your data using local inflation works generally, however in high inflation markets or volatile markets extra caution is needed. Ultimately you need a basis that decision makers can understand, view as credible and can see both the art and the science behind your work. Once again - a timely article Chuck. Thanks

David, thanks for your additive comments, as they've provided useful information to clients and practitioners.

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