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Jim, your post reminded me about the great little book by Ferdinand Fournies called: "Why Employees Don't Do What They're Supposed To Do And What You Can Do About It". I see it's now in 2nd edition. I may have to pick up a copy and reacquaint myself with it.

Boy, you take me back, Tony, to when I was an ASPA or ACA book-reviewer for I think his very first book attempt unmentionable years ago. The best stuff came from Mager & Pipe's classic short You Really Oughta Wanna.

Whoa! It's a better day altogether when I read any content that includes a reference to a Hobson's Choice. Think the last time I heard that expression, it was being uttered by the Honorable John McCain - although I'll skip over the details and circumstances of that encounter.

I loved the story about the stipulated requirement that an employee obtain more education, and the compliance which was subsequently undermined by the requestor. I observed a variation of that scenario at work in just the past year at work, which while entertaining to relay further, I'll opt to forgo at this time, since we all know that comments posted online are like vampires, Gilgamesh and Achilles . . . they're immortal.

As noted, everyone around long enough has witnessed or experienced similar toxic mismanagement events of that type that earns HR such a dismal reputation. Even at the time, I foresaw that one as a classic case so simple, clear, awful and common that the time would come when I could safely share it as a perfect negative example. If we can't do better, maybe we should simply try to drive stakes through the hearts of the monsters that prowl the workplace.

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