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Thank goodness - as here's one trend that we were actually a year out ahead of, thanks to a suggestion from our 20-year old summmer HR intern from last year, who proposed roughly this same idea of forming and maintaining a "former affiliates" network.

So, we got part of a framework in place, to maintain contact with former affiliates - although I will publicly acknowledge that we would rather be forced to swallow ground-up glass, than get involved too heavily with any "social networks". Generally, that former affiliates network seems to be a positive experience for us - and is going well.

"Alumni associations" are a hallmark of good employers, in my humble experience. Those who have worked for really excellent places love to reconvene to revisit old friends, meet new members and update inside gossip. Nice way to attract new folks, too, supplying outside independent testimonials. Toxic work environments antagonize the workforce, drive people away and make them want to forget ever working there ... except as a negative example, maybe. Has anyone found otherwise?

Maybe this can be used as a morale survey.

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