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Excellent retrospective observations, Chuck. You bring back many memories, such as the aberrational supreme status Labor Relations still holds when relevant and the historical kerfuffle over transitioning the category title of "Personnel" into "Human Resources." Also stimulate many thoughts about the explosive mines floating under the placid surface of our profession.

Hi Chuck, I don't think the two perspective are mutually exclusive. We have to be able to talk in business terms and frame recommendations in terms they understand. If they want HR to become a partner focused primarily on the bottom line then you have to reframe the discussion. "You can pay less than the going rate and save $x but that will cost you $xx in higher turnover, training costs and lower performing hires." If you can't explain how doing right by the employees benefits the business then you may not be looking deep enough or it may not be the right direction.

I think the days of being the employee advocate without being able to present a business case to back it up are over.

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