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Interesting article. I was alternately (and equally) both enamoured and confused by the "taxi cab model", as well as your additional analogous list - which only seemed to be missing the phrase, "a little dab will do yah".

Our information would seem to support the BLS report, that supply and demand imbalances of STEM talent are by no means universal across the entirety of the U.S.

In the STEM talent hot spots, there's some belief that shortages will continue for the foreseeable future, until market supply forces begin to fully kick-in (Kick-in = More Qualified Talent Supply Enters the Market in Response to Higher Wages). But unfortunately, that won't happen overnight (or in a single semester).

I considered adding that phrase, Chris, but I had already cut a few from my draft and preferred that respondents offer more suggestions independently. Guess it is sort of a "there are fish in the ocean" situation, where it all depends ...

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