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Margaret, this is so good I can't pass it up. You develop the most wonderful things. I know I am 'testing the limits' of acceptance here but I just must comment on this good work.

The current field of compensation (total rewards?) is based NOT on 'best practice' in terms of what makes organizations thrive, but "Me to practices" that follow what others do without consideration of whether it fits your organization's business and talent needs at all. I guess we believe that if we 'dress like Marilyn Monroe' we will BE "Marilyn Monroe".

A few years ago we gathered considerable data from structured interviews with CEOs (published in Worldatwork Journal). These leaders wanted human resource to deliver reward practices that helped them realize the role people played in their specific organizations in achieving goals and subsequently sharing in the results of this success.

While our profession is focused only on copying what others do, our leaders (verified by hard data) want us to think like business people and become a member of the leadership team rather than behaving like what one CEO called, "Preschool Teachers" telling us the 'bogyman' is waiting to get us.

So until we redefine 'best practices' in terms that help businesses achieve results most of the 'copy-cat' surveying is not serving our organizations well.

You are a wise advisor, Margaret. I will buy you a gin and tonic some day.

(You will all be saved from my ranting until after January 1, Pat and I are traveling for our Xmas Cheer this year)

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