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Every few decades, broadbanding waxes and wanes in popularity. As Ann notes, it works best in capturing internal equity peer relationships for career progression steps and organizational status ranks. Excellent for flexible internal talent management and succession planning applications, broadbands usually operate independent of external competitive labor market realities. As this old very long discussion thread shows, using it for pay is problematic https://www.worldatwork.org/community/discussions/discuss.jsp?did=19778 ... like using your wristwatch as a hammer.

Thanks for sharing the link, Jim - a very detailed and informative discussion covering many aspects of broadbanding and how it works. I also appreciate Diane Auld's noteworthy comment that there different types of structures which seem to be falling under the categorization of broadbands - including "career bands" (what I understood to be the "original" manifestation of broadbands) and "broad grades" (a more traditional structure with just somewhat fewer grades and somewhat broader salary ranges).

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