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If we can't effectively prove the value of Paid Time Off, we don't deserve to remain in HR, nor should we long remain employed by such dumb enterprises that treat workers as simply a cost.

Although I believe that companies should offer PTO to their employees for a variety of reasons, I am against the government forcing them through legislation to offer paid time off.

Paid time off isn't free, and some companies may find it difficult to continue operations with this additional cost. Some may be forced to eliminate some positions and make do with fewer people in order to pay for this benefit. I'd suggest that a worker, given a choice between having a job and getting laid off or seeing a reduction in hours worked in order for the company to provide its remaining workers with some amount of PTO would rather keep their job, assuming no better opportunities were available. I think the reality is that some businesses will be faced with this choice, and will make some hard decisions as a result which will have a negative effect on their employees.

Personally, I would not work for a company that did not offer PTO - but I have many choices for employment. Others are not as fortunate. I'd rather see the government offer tax incentives for organizations of a certain size or below for offering PTO, but not penalizing them if they do not. Workers with opportunities will vote with their feet. Workers without opportunities will not have the risk of having their hours cut or position eliminated due to the hidden consequences of well-meaning but flawed legislation. At least not this particular legislation.

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