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Thanks for bringing back fond memories, Chris, with this oft-overlooked topic.

First learned pre- and post-program testing procedures from the UW grand training guru Don L. Kirkpatrick https://www.kirkpatrickpartners.com/Our-Philosophy/The-Kirkpatrick-Model back in the prehistoric years when my field du jour was Training & Development rather than Talent Development. Always considered it quite odd that spending on human skill development was measured so much more carefully than the effectiveness of the much more costly total reward packages of payroll plus perks.

But as a realistic professional, I already knew that the maintenance and improvement of human KSAs was considered an easily disposable frippery vs the totally essential disbursement of vast sums of money by finance via operating management for status quo performance, regardless of its effectiveness. After years in compensation, I accepted my years in T&D/MgmtDev as a useful but precarious time. Sure enough, training got cut long before accountants were laid off.

Why ask if it's effective when the answer doesn't matter?

Maybe that's why the initial HR-related program assessment tools were for training ... because everyone knows T&D is a secondary low-priority function compared to the easily justified ever-escalating payroll budgets for basic business or essential service operational personnel.

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