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As par usual, Chuck, you've nailed it. I've been exposed to all of the accusations you've cited, as well as three others (related to working with the public sector):

"But our employees have security clearances and you haven't accounted for those!" The comp-father, Chris Dobyns, and crew published an excellent WorldatWork article on security clearances and compensation several years ago that effectively explains the issue.

"But our missions are of national importance and what our employees do impact whole industries and sectors of the economy. Therefore, our salaries have to be much higher than this!" [A variation on this argument was that many of the rank-and-file employees occupied positions that should be considered the equivalent of C-suite positions in the private sector for compensation purposes due to their level of influence.]

"These numbers are wrong, because these say our pay is 'right' but our employees are still quitting!" [This is the argument that holds that compensation is the sole driver of recruitment and retention - the only lever that a manager needs to pull to make magic happen.]

In all cases, you're right - sound analysis and strong tradecraft don't earn you any Christmas cards.

Joe -

Thanks for your comments and for adding to the list of excuses. If I had more space I could have included Hospitals, where even lower level employees tend to think that patients would die. Or Corporate HQ, where only high performing employees are allowed to work - and of course those jobs should be graded higher. The list goes on.

As I was reading Chuck's article, even before I'd finished the 2nd paragraph I was already thinking to myself, ". . this subject is going to light up Joe Thompson just like a New Year's Eve fireworks display" (sorry, I'm still in "holiday" mode).

Prediction fulfilled.

Yes, a lot of familiar themes in this posting (I was actually holding my breath to see if I would see the use of any variation on the words "cherry-picking").

Prediction fulfilled.

And since Joe may have piqued some reader's interest about the value of a security clearance, with full attribution to the workspan periodical, here's a link to the original article . . . although I did help co-author this piece
( https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nRJWFzi8-f5kS0Nq8mkUgsDo20a9TdsT/view?usp=sharing ). I always liked the "expedited shipping" metaphor we came up with . . . but I'll let everyone read that for themselves.

I work for a health system (we have multiple hospitals) for nine years, and yes, I've heard the argument (many times) that even the lowest level jobs are under-valued due to their contributions to patient safety.

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