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No, you're not wrong.

I should have recognized this as a Brennan "Bring Back" article - only for all the fun recollections it inspired.

I'm reminded of being in the hinted-at situation, where a supervisor was either unwilling or incapable of dealing with an employee in our work unit - who was dragging us all "to the bottom of the pond". In that situation, we finally took it upon ourselves to conduct an "intervention" - which apparently successfully communicated that our co-worker's best future opportunities might just exist elsewhere.

Good observation that there's a two-way street going on, where all compensation is communication and the reciprocal feedback loop that all communications being compensation - is probably equally true. And I've already informally appended to that tagline, " . . . and all interventions are behavioral" - which is probably particularly true with any efforts at performance "shaping".

You are not wrong - not when you originally posted this, and not now. The failure to address shirkers, slackers, and other sluggards has a pernicious impact on teams, on talent, and on engagement.

In your post, you said "This article will focus on the second question, because the first deserves a complete post of its own."

Did that other "complete post" ever materialize?

Yes, but https://www.compensationcafe.com/2013/06/communication-is-compensation.html has not yet been resurrected for the current audience's edification. Send Ann angry notes. I'm sure she will give them appropriate weight. I eagerly anticipate her grumpy response.

Jim, Jim, Jim....

I somehow thought I'd already "classicisized" that one, but it appears not. Look for it soon! Thanks, Joe for the comments and gentle nudge - and to Chris for stopping by too!

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