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As Churchill said, "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

And I'm not certain if this is the end of the beginning or the beginning of the end of the homogeneous treatment of the workforce. Regardless, good treatment of segmentation and managing a differentiated workforce.

I must be a bad HR person . . . because I've invariably believed employees' needs are always subordinate to the needs of the organization. But I've been told I'm a mean person . . . Alternately, I want to believe that maybe I'm just a good compensation person.

I like how you brought together what initially appeared to be two separate dichotomies. I would agree that one of the keys to segmentation is identifying the key sources of your organization's true competitive advantage - and investing and hanging onto that. And the second piece (intentionally in that order) is employee satisfaction and engagement - and knowing the rewards preferences of that segment. Ultimately we'll solve and execute on those preferences down to the individual employee level, but that's still 2-3 years over the horizon. Trust me, it is.


This is funny because I was thinking of you when I posted this, knowing that you have an interest in and a focus on this topic.

I agree that it's going to be an interesting journey with lots to learn along the way and the world changing under our feet as we go. In a tight labor market as example, particularly one that's tight for some critical skills, it could be hard to separate employee satisfaction/retention and competitive advantage for some employers.

I believe you about the horizon on this - and I suspect it will shift and mutate as we think we're drawing closer. That seems to be the way.

Thanks for weighing in!

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