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Thanks, Ann, for bringing back this classic that cites my old workmate and good friend Jerry McAdams. Back in The Day before Jerry followed my recommendation that he also join the publication parade with the first state of the art book on non-cash rewards, he was burdened with perhaps the most daunting job title of all time: "VP of Creativity."

Guess the only worse title would have been "VP in Charge of Going to Jail". That, of course, comes from one of the occasional periods when designated officers would be given a highly visible prison sentence as a widely publicized object lesson against corporate malfeasance. Or is that another recurring cycle in the Total Rewards/HR field?

One really MUST take care when exercising discretion in the reward process! Actions have consequences.

Thanks, Jim!

Jerry was at what was then Watson Wyatt (a predecessor of Towers Watson) when he wrote that book - and I was there as well. When he came to the Minneapolis to do his "book tour" among our major clients, I got to chauffeur him. He was a lot of fun and had some great stories.

He regularly used me as a translator throughout his Maritz career. You know... "rewards" mean something different in every circumstance.

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