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Ann agreed. Our clients and I massively generalize here, have embarked on projects with us since Sept that can loosely be traced to the recognition that "this thing" is not going away. Some of the processes we adopted in react mode have proved to be pretty good and we need to institutionalize them and embed into the fabric of our organization to secure productivity gains, enhance engagement, and cement goodwill (e.g. have them DD proofed for any potential sale). So yes lots of job re-engineering prompting different pay and incentives but also incentives to acquire new leadership techniques (e.g. remote management, digital effectiveness). We are also seeing IT tasked with making at home wall to machine connectivity consistent to enable more effective remote meetings and minimize distractions.


Thanks for your comment and for sharing your experiences here - very impressive and informative. I know many of us hope and believe that some good will come out of struggles and suffering of 2020; perhaps this is one of those opportunities/1

Great treatment of an immensely important topic, Ann! No one responded to https://www.compensationcafe.com/2015/04/redesigning-work-to-create-more-mutual-value.html some years ago... but current times call for urgent reconsideration of literally outdated work value traditions and fossilized customs.

Thanks Jim - and for the reminder about your work design post. Methinks we have our Friday Cafe Classic!

I know that a few of us have written about this topic through the years, and it never seemed to draw much attention or conversation. Perhaps the shockwaves of pandemic will finally push our attention in this direction. Paul's testimony certainly seems to suggest that it's happening among his client organizations - and I am aware of conversations and steps being taken in at least a few of the organizations my firm serves.

Time will tell!

Yes I think it is Ann and for many these current job design activities are not referred to as a COVID activity, just an idea whose time has come. "This thing" has accelerated the evolution of no end of processes and for some, we are rushing to be ready. Jim's point was and still is spot on (I wrote in the summer about good HR people being forged in a crisis https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/fred-issue-8-hateful-eight-mark-edgar/). At the heart of your blog, I took away the notion that being too constrained by HR rules, norms, and our training - if we let them - can be a barrier to good business.


Yes - and thanks for making one of my points better than I did! One of the things I love about the conversations that happen at the Cafe!

When I click your link, it says "Page Not Found." Anywhere else we can access your good thoughts on this topic?

Ann try this sorry!


Thanks, Paul - much obliged!

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