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We in Human Resources owe our very careers to the organized labor movement. Kind of sad how many HR professionals are now like ungrateful children, specializing in union avoidance.

Began in Employment, Labor Relations, then moved into Industrial Relations and Employee Relations (Benefits, Safety, T&D), etc., survived the "Personnel" decades and weathered the B.F. Skinner-inspired downgrade to Human Resources. ("Resources" was once considered manipulative and thus resisted for years...)

Now happy to no longer be characterized re the identity of those affected by my endeavors but via the process utilized instead: ironically, that is exactly the same evolution of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles which was dumped for O*NET (Occupational Info System).

Where the DOT minutely defined work characteristics and worker input demands per the 1930s Depression environment, O*NET ignores all that and only addresses the functional activity involved. DOT job codes were numbered from the most populated industry (Agriculture, back then) to the least (Service, with Government dead last). O*NET codes follow the function or process, starting with the vastly dominant Service sector, Gov, Health, etc., with Mfg. and Ag. now bottom-dwellers in frequency found today.

Fascinating history, for the tiny group who care.

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